7 Things To Know Before Heading On Your First Solo Bike Trip

Road trips are an exciting way to travel. If you are someone who not only appreciates the destination but also the journey, then you should definitely go for a road trip. But planning for your road trip is essential, especially if you are travelling solo. Riding solo for countless kilometres in the saddle requires mental as well as physical preparation by your body. So make sure any road trip of yours is carefully planned with backup and alternate options.

While planning, do not forget to run a basic check of all the necessary documents required for your bike, including your two wheeler insurance policy. Here are seven things that you should know before heading out on your next solo road adventure.

#1 Do your research

Whether it is your first time making a solo trip or umpteenth adventure ride, it is always advisable to do your research. Make sure you check the temperature, local as well as road conditions, medical facilities, fuel pumps and more. Make sure you include sufficient breaks as they help you stay fresh and alert at all times.

#2 Invest in proper riding gear

Your pre-ride check should include appropriate riding gears for this long journey. These safety wear help to prevent any injuries in case of an accident or mishap keeping your life safe at all times. Your safety gear should include riding pants and a jacket that has an adequate level of protection at all joints along with a chest as well as back protector. Apart from these apparel, invest in a good pair of riding boots along with gloves for additional protection.

#3 Do not overeat

During your ride, stick to light and nutritious meals. Overeating will make you feel drowsy and lethargic, getting you distracted off the road.

#4 Ensure adequate hydration

First-time riders often make this mistake of not hydrating themselves adequately. In their race against time to cover maximum distance in daylight, they often ignore that heat tends to leave you dehydrated. To avoid this. You can add a hydration backup that can help you keep yourself hydrated on the go.

#5 Service your bike completely

Before heading out for your adventure ride, ensure you get your bike checked from an authorised service station. Any squeaks and sounds need to be fixed or replaced to ensure a hassle-free journey. Also, make a note to carry essential fluids along with you to top-up on the go.

#6 Ensure proper documentation

When checking the list of documents, ensure all essential documents like registration certificate, pollution certificate along with two-wheeler insurance policy. Make sure you carry these documents in duplicate with you and preserve them in a secure compartment.

Also, if you are a frequent solo traveller or not, it is advisable to select appropriate add-ons at two wheeler insurance renewal or purchase.

#7 Carry a first aid kit

Emergencies come uninvited. You never know when a first aid kit can help you save a fellow rider or even your own self. Thus, in the interest of yourself and others, it is always advisable to carry a first aid kit.

These are seven tips that you should remember when prepping for a solo road trip. Using a two wheeler insurance premium calculator, you can compare the various available plans and select an affordable option too.

Clare Louise

Clare Louise