Ever since the first man polished stones for use as hunting tools, technology has played an important role in our lives. Nowhere is this more evident than in manufacturing, where progress has allowed us to produce a greater number of products in less time and with more sophistication than ever before.
In the last century alone, systems have evolved from manual labor to today’s highly advanced robotic systems. In fact, as the first tools led to bigger and better things, there is no sign that the technological development of manufacturers will slow down anytime soon.
For example, intelligence is starting to permeate today’s production chain. The machine learning capabilities of these systems can perform various tasks automatically. These may include checking to make sure workers are wearing personal protective equipment properly and reporting and coordinating any necessary adjustments.
3D printing is another new technique that was only an idea ten years ago but has become an important part of many operations. This allows the creation of high-quality materials quickly without the need for external.
Technology has come a long way in manufacturing, but there is still a long way to go. For more examples of industry trends, see the next resource.
The Growing Use of Technology in Manufacturing from Advanced Technology Services, a technical workforce solution company