A rear-end accident occurs when a car strikes another from the rear. This type of car accident is quite common in Pueblo, Colorado that may result in significant injuries and property damage. Rear-end accidents usually occur during the day and the vehicle struck to the rear is often at a stop when the impact occurs. And victims should seek the services of Pueblo car accident lawyers if they have been injured and want to get compensation for them.
Injuries that Rear-End Accident Victims May Sustain
If a car collides with another from the rear, the occupants of the leading car are suddenly shifted forward and pulled back by the seat belt or may strike the dash section of the car. Thankfully, the majority of the possible injuries incurred are not fatal and may include injuries to regions of the head or face, different neck injuries, and injures in the lower or middle area of the back.
Common Reasons Rear-End Accidents Happen
Rear-end accidents are largely attributed to the following factors:
- Distracted driving. Distracted driving is one of the most common reasons rear-end accidents happen. The common distraction stems from using a mobile phone or device, applying makeup, eating, and adjusting vehicle electronics.
- Excessive speed. If a driver travels too quickly, they may not have the time to prevent striking a slowing or stopping vehicle that is traveling ahead of them.
- Drive fatigue. A fatigued driver may not have the ability to quickly respond to issues on the road.
- Braking issues. A driver who fails to follow adequate distance for stopping in response to the leading vehicle can cause a rear-end collision.
- Mechanical failures. Sometimes, vehicles may experience issues like a burnt-out headlight that diminishes front vision.
How to Prevent a Rear-End Collision
Collisions that result from the failure of the driver to operate reasonably can be prevented. Tailgating another car reduces a driver’s chances of reaching a complete stop before striking the car ahead. When it comes to the stopping distance, drivers must consider the weight of their vehicle. They should allow for at least two seconds to stop between the cars.
Moreover, a lot of drivers fail to property view the area of roadway further ahead. This lets them recognize break light usage ahead, pedestrian crossings, and approaching traffic stops. Awareness of these potential concerns a driver is approaching allows them to better anticipate by slowly decreasing speed and preparing for braking.