How to Successfully Go Live to Increase Your Sales

Are you looking for a creative way to increase your sales?

If you own an e-commerce store, one of the best ways to increase your sales is through live-streaming. When you go live on social media, you create a new opportunity to engage your customers. 

How does live stream shopping work? How do you need to execute live stream shopping to increase your sales? Read this guide to learn everything you need to do and know about going live. 

What is Livestreaming? 

Livestreaming is a form of broadcasting that showcases real-time events on the internet. Social media platforms you can live stream on include:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn
  • Periscope
  • Twitch

The process of live streaming varies by platform, but generally speaking, you just need to click a couple of buttons to go live. How long you can live stream depends on the platform. For example, Instagram allows you to live stream for four hours straight. 

Live Streaming Tips to Increase Sales 

While setting up a live stream is easy, increasing sales from live streaming is a different ball game. Here are some tips to set up a successful live stream event:

  • Market beforehand: Don’t just randomly start live streaming. Market the event beforehand so people know when to show up. Even if you only plan to live stream on one social media platform, you should market the event on all of your platforms. Be clear about the details, offer incentives, create a virtual countdown, and involve your audience in the creation of the live stream. 
  • Look at the camera: While it can be tempting to check your hair and makeup, looking into the camera allows for better audience engagement. 
  • Do a test run: Do a dry run to work out any kinks beforehand. Review the timeline with the crew and make sure the Wifi is strong. 
  • Create a simple setup: Less is more. You want the audience to focus on you and your product, not the background. 
  • Engage with the audience: You should engage with your streamers in real-time. Set rules and expectations before the chat, and set up a time in the end to answer questions. It can even be fun to invite an audience member to join the live chat with you!

You should also consider the social media platform you choose for live streaming. When choosing a platform, consider your audience. What platform do you have the most followers on? What platform gives you the best engagement numbers?

You may also want to consider employing some help to set up your live stream event. For this, you can check out livestream selling

Are You Ready to Go Live? 

Now that you’ve read this guide, it’s time to go live. Pretty soon, you should see your sales go up thanks to your live streaming events. 

If you’re looking for more tips on live streaming and engaging your audience on social media, check back in with our site. 

Tyler Mathews

Tyler Mathews