Finding Your Dream Team: The Top Employee Recruitment Methods for 2021

Did you know that the Millenial generation will have around 15 jobs in their lifetime? The old days of sticking with the same company and getting a retirement package are effectively over. As a result, prospective employees and companies are pickier with looking for a good fit on both ends.

Have you struggled with employee recruitment? Are you wondering the secret of how to recruit new employees? Here are some unique recruitment methods that can land you top-tier candidates for your next job interview.

Utilize the Video Interview

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, applications such as Zoom and Webex became staples in education and remote work. Why not use video interviewing for employee recruitment? The applicant will save time and money, and you can see them when they are in their most comfortable environment.

A huge advantage of video calling is that you can record and take notes much more easily over the conversation. If you are unsure about a candidate’s answer, you can simply go back through your footage and rewatch.

Harness the Power of Social Media

Social media is a huge tool in your overall recruitment strategy if you know how to use it properly. When you have a new job opening, post it on every social media account you have to get the word out.

If you have an employee bonus program or an outreach team, you can also rely on your employees to ensure your job posting gets views and applicants. Sites like Facebook even have job listings integrated into the platform, making it easier than ever.

Hire a Recruiting Agency

If you find yourself spending too much time with hands-on recruiting, it may be in your best interest to outsource the task to a company that knows what they’re doing. External sources of recruitment include headhunting agencies and temp agencies.

A recruiting agency will analyze your company mission and culture to see what types of people you want to bring into the fold. Often, they will also do an initial screening interview before a candidate gets to the internal human resources team.

Develop an Employee Bonus Program

Nothing gets people motivated like cold, hard cash, and this is also true with recruiting. If you love your current employee culture, then you should trust them to bring people with similar values into the company.

Many employee bonus programs have designated dollar amounts based on the level of employee hired. For instance, a top-tier manager will pay out more than a level one staff. Either way, it will incentivize your employees to find highly qualified candidates that you can interview.

Use These Recruitment Methods Today

Are you worried about finding the right people for open positions at your company? If you use these recruitment methods, you’ll be sure to get the best candidates in your business without too much extra work.

Want to learn more about ways that you can improve your company every day? Take a look around our site for more tips, tricks, and inspiration for finding and keeping quality employees.

Marion Perdomo

Marion Perdomo