Are inefficient workflow processes and lack of automation costing your business money each year? If so, then you need to upgrade your core processes with the right enterprise resource planning software program.
Don’t worry if you’re not sure what ERP is or how to ensure that your program is right for your business. You’re in the right place, so keep reading to learn everything you need to know to save your business money every day.
What Is Enterprise Resource Planning Software?
Businesses of all sizes rely on their ERP system to manage their daily operations such as accounting and finances, their supply chain management, and risk management. If you’re still piecing together separate programs, or worse, using Excel to track these aspects of your business, then you need to update.
Too many businesses are afraid to invest in a new program. However, not using an all-encompassing program could be costing you thousands of dollars. Don’t leave your workflows in the dark any longer, you need to invest in a new ERP software program today.
Avoid These ERP Mistakes
Too many executives jump into the arena of enterprise planning without first considering what their needs are and what to avoid. But here, we will outline for you how to discern for yourself so you don’t make the same mistakes we’ve seen so many others make over the years.
1. Lack of Ongoing Maintenance
Too many businesses make the mistake of not creating a maintenance plan for their ERP system. You need a maintenance plan in order to keep your system up to date. Technological change and innovation are inevitable, have a plan in place for how your ERP system can keep up.
2. Lack of Employee Training
Buying a new system is a great investment for your business. However, without the proper training and onboarding, your employees will likely shy away from jumping on board. To ensure complete implementation of your new investment, ensure that your employees get the proper training they need and see the benefits of using your new system.
3. Lack of Integration
Another big mistake executives make is purchasing their new ERP system based on arbitrary factors rather than talking with their employees first. Factors such as cost or number of features are important but they’re not as important as ensuring that your new system will work with how your employees work.
What you need is to ensure that your system has the features you need rather than simply having the most. It won’t matter how many features there are if the one you need isn’t available. Additionally, if your ERP software program doesn’t integrate with your current tech stack, all the bells and whistles in the world won’t matter to your employees.
4. Inability to Grow
As your company grows you need to know that your tech stack can grow with it. And the same is true with your ERP system. When you choose your system ensure that it has the ability to scale with your company for years to come.
When you upgrade to a program such as Epicor Kinetic 2021 ERP you know that you’re getting a system that can grow with you. It can even import your current data from whatever system you’re currently using, even spreadsheets. Stop manually entering data now, upgrade to a program that will save you thousands in employee data entry and possible mistakes.
Stop Losing Money With the Wrong Program
As you can see, even the best ERP software won’t do you any good if you make these common mistakes. Now you’re armed with the information you need to choose the right enterprise resource planning software system for your business. Don’t make the same mistakes so many others have when they upgrade.
For more information on this and other topics, check out the rest of our blog.