Are you struggling with key management for your rental properties?
If you are an owner or property manager of a rental property, you know managing your keys is essential. Without a proper key management system, you, your tenants, and your property will not be safe from a variety of dangers. Your keys can be stolen, your property vandalized, and your tenants robbed.
For these reasons, implementing key management best practices is essential.
Fortunately, managing your keys doesn’t have to be a complicated task. By using a few best practices and implementing a few tips and tricks, you can make sure to properly manage the keys to your property.
If you are wondering the best way to manage your keys, this short and simple guide is for you.
Limit Access to Master Keys
The first tip for managing your keys is to limit access to the master keys. Ideally, the only people with access to the masters should be the manager and the assistant manager. This is one of the best ways to ensure your property is secure.
Store Keys in a Secure Box
One of the best ways to secure your property is to store the keys in a safe location. Make sure to box or cabinet you store the keys in is locked at all times.
Avoid Marking Keys With Tenant Names or Numbers
If you want to reduce the risks of a break-in, avoid marking the keys with tenant names or numbers. Instead, using a coding system you and your staff understand.
Collect Keys in Person
A great way to keep your property safe is to collect keys from tenants when they move out. Make sure to collect these keys in person so previous tenants will not have access to the common areas on the property.
Re-Key the Locks After Every Tenant
A best practice you should follow is to re-key the locks after every tenant. This will keep your new tenants safe and give you peace of mind about the security of your property. If you are looking for a quality company to re-key your locks, consider using IC cores.
Always Keep Spare Keys
Part of an effective key management system is to always have a copy of each key, with an exception of the master. This can save you time and effort should a tenant lose their key. You can reduce the risks of tenants losing keys by charging a fee to replace a lost key.
Use These Key Management Tips to Keep Your Property Safe
By using these key management tips, you can keep your property safe and secure.
Start by limiting access to master keys and storing your keys in a secure location. You should also avoid marking the keys with tenant names or numbers, collect keys from tenants in person, and re-key the locks when tenants move out. Make sure to keep a copy of each key for emergencies.
Follow these tips to properly manage your keys. Don’t forget to browse our site for advice on business, finance, advertising, and more.