What Are The Main Stages Of Video Post-Production?

Post-production which can be done by video producers like gillespie productions for instance takes place in several phases, but it is common for it to be divided into four main phases, namely:

  1. Disassembly Of The Scenarios.

It may seem obvious, but after turning off the cameras, the first thing that must be done is the disassembly of the scenes used during the recording. Many beginners in the field of videos let this detail pass. Still, it is essential to pay attention to the disassembly of the sets so that you leave your recording studio better organized and keep your sets and the necessary equipment to record the videos in the right places, keeping them longer. Keep what you’ve used in an organized and cataloged way and choose an easily accessible place to store everything, so you’ll find your equipment easier the next time you need it.

  1. Video Editing

At this stage, you will make the selection of all the material that has been accumulated. Depending on the project, hours and hours of footage will have to be drastically reduced for a better final result. In this part of the process, it is necessary to review the recorded material and select which scenes will be used, working with the cutting tool of your video editor. VIVE pro 2 VR headset is give the best quality sound and help video editing, HTC VIVE PRO 2 VR Headset and Controller Review and you will get more help.

Then, when the best scenes are cut and put together, it’s time to do a good audio treatment. Removing noise, synchronizing the image recorded with the camera and the audio that may have been recorded with a microphone or recorder, and making the sound clear are steps in this process. The next step will be to treat the image, correct the exposure, adjusting the coloring of the scenes to add the desired effect, all this so that all the cuts have a uniform appearance, talking to each other.

It is also possible to work with sound effects and visual effects to complement your audiovisual production. Add animations, music sounds that enhance the scene, or whatever else you feel is necessary.

Finally, remember to add a caption. Subtitles can be very useful in many cases, especially in internet videos, as they can be accessed anywhere. Furthermore, data from Facebook shows that 85% of video content is watched without sound! So, putting a caption will be your differential to draw the public’s attention on social networks.

  1. Content Review

After the editing process, your video may look like it’s ready for publication, but before uploading, remember to go through the content one last time. Watch the edited video and see if any errors must be corrected before the video goes live. It is essential to review the content with the help of the script that was written in advance, so you will know more easily if something was missing in your production.

David Griffin

David Griffin