The Necessity Of Biotech Business Development

Biotechnology as a business is difficult but rewarding. It is a highly technical sector that requires patient research and intensive capital spending. The risks are high but those who succeed can expect massive returns over many years. Biotech business development is necessary not just to thrive but also to survive. It is essential for the continued existence of the company. Indeed, everything starts with a business idea. The science will only kick in afterwards. Companies must determine what the market needs, then they can solve the problem with their product. They should also ensure that customers will be willing to pay.

There are likely to be existing solutions in the market so they will have to come up with something better if they want to take the current players on. They must be able to protect their intellectual property through legal means. They must also secure permission to sell the product from government regulators. Finally, they must be quick in developing their products because others will always be in their heels. Getting all of these done is a challenging task indeed. Below are just some of the jobs given to business development specialists:

Equity Financing

Since research, development, and marketing cost a lot of money, companies will need to get enough funds to keep their projects going. These tend to last for many years before getting any tangible returns. Many try to get more cash through equity financing, especially the startups. Several rounds will be taken where they meet with venture capitalists and angel investors. They might give millions of dollars in return for preferred shares or common equity. Once the company has matured, they may sell these equities to other investors to make a profit.


If a company is large enough with excess capital at their disposal, then they may consider acquiring startups and developing their technologies. A lot of smaller companies struggle to keep afloat even if they have promising research and development due to the lack of funds. While some investors are happy to throw cash and wait for results, others find value in absorbing the business into their own. This is especially attractive if there are excellent talents in the company who might also provide their expertise on existing projects. The reverse is also true as unprofitable companies have to be let go.

Strategic Partnerships

No single entity can survive on its own so companies must establish strategic partnerships with other industry players. They might, for example, establish relationships with academic institutions to fund their research laboratories, provide technical assistance, and ensure a continuing supply of excellent talent. They might forge partnerships with charities and foundations as part of their corporate social responsibility programs. They might need to work with government agencies to improve regulatory compliance and advocate for certain legislation. They might meet with patient groups to discuss their needs and their experiences. Everyone who has a stake in the eventual outcome of the projects must come together to increase the chances of success.

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Paul Petersen

Paul Petersen