Graffiti is a big issue, especially if you live in a city or other similar area. Because of that, you need to be sure that you have options for graffiti removal in Melbourne that are going to make sense for your purposes and needs. How can you do it in an effective manner? Here’s a quick look at some of the best ways to deal with graffiti without spending an arm and a leg in order to accomplish the goals that you have in mind.
Paint Stripper
Depending on what was used for the graffiti, some basic paint stripper may do the trick for getting rid of it. Sometimes, the paint stripper will take all of it off right away. In other instances, you may be looking at some extra work in order to make it happen. Multiple applications should be able to get it off pretty effectively. Just be sure that you look into the type of paint stripper that you get and be sure that it’s appropriate for the type of surface that you’re working on – some paint strippers will cause damage to brick, metal, or whatever other surfaces that you may be dealing with.
Painting Over It
In some instances, the graffiti is so small or light that you’re just better off using this as an excuse to go ahead and paint over the whole thing. While this isn’t always going to work in an effective manner, you want to be sure that you consider it. You can talk to a painting company to see what they have to say and if they will be able to paint over it. This is typically best if you’re dealing with something that is already painted or would be able to be painted anyway, so getting a consultation ahead of time is a good idea.
Dustless Blasting
Dustless blasting is a newer form of graffiti removal in Melbourne that makes it really simple to get everything off of your brick walls. Dustless blasting uses recycled glass and blasts it onto the surface, similar to what you would get with sandblasting (but more environmentally friendly). It, essentially, strips everything off of the surface and leaves it completely bare, like the day that it was built. That way, you can just do whatever it is that you wish on the surface when all is said and done, and there’s absolutely no trace of the damage or paint.
Companies like The Men in Black can be really helpful when it comes to graffiti removal in Melbourne. These companies can help you to sort out what is essential and ensure that you’ve got the resources that you need so that you can get rid of graffiti and not worry about too many other issues that may come up otherwise. Look into the options you have and see what you can do to make sure that your business building can look as great as it did before the graffiti became an issue.