If you are unfamiliar with HACCP, then you should know it stands for Hazards Analysis Critical Control Points. It is a preventative food safety management system.
Who is HACCP for?
HACCP principles should be used by any food business’ management and employees involved in the preparation, manufacture or selling of consumable items.
The controls within a HACCP plan can effectively diminish risks and raise food hygiene scores, reduce food safety issues, penalties and loss of business.
Do I need HACCP?
HACCP is not something that should be ignored. Not only is it a systematic control system that has been scientifically proven, it meets EU and UK food industry legislation.
Within the EU it is a prerequisite to have HACCP food safety systems in operation to trade with another firm.
You are severely limiting your business potential without taking HACCP training, understanding the seven integral HACCP principles and using these to enforce an HACCP plan in your premises.
How will HACCP training help?
Knowledge is power.
For management and supervisors, after learning about HACCP you can roll out an HACCP plan that is tailored to your unique business requirements. You’ll be able to initiate controls, identify risks and manage staff.
All team members should take HACCP training to become familiar with the HACCP principles and their responsibilities regarding legislation and an HACCP plan.
It really makes no sense for two of the team to work in line with a HACCP plan and two others to not have training so they can still make mistakes through ignorance.
Problem – Expenditure and staff time away from the business
You may not wish to spend on HACCP training, that’s understandable in a world where every penny counts.
However, without being able to prove that you, your employees, premises and practices are HACCP principles compliant and using a food safety management system you are leaving your enterprise, staff and customer base at risk of a food hygiene incident, penalties, legal action and a poor food safety audit.
Remember the saying a stitch in time? That’s what HACCP training is.
Does everybody take the same course?
Specialist food industry training companies like Food Alert in London offer courses at basic and managerial levels and assist business owners, management and supervisors with HACCP plan creation and implementation.
These courses are up to date, compliant with legislation and will serve every business and employee well if used.
I’m in a mobile/temporary premises
The Food Standards Agency deems that the following fall in to this category. (This is not an exclusive list.)
- Marquees.
- Mobile vans.
- Market stalls.
- Vending machines.
- Homes where food is prepared to be sold/given to the public.
- B&Bs.
Legislation must still be met, best practices employed and all staff members must adhere to the rules, even in mobile units. Having a HACCP plan ensures that you have the capability to work at optimum standards.
Don’t leave your food safety levels and risk management to chance. Seek HACCP training today and reap the benefits, including peace of mind.