Running a charity shop is about being adaptable. Each day brings the generosity of different donations, requiring different shop layouts and shelving arrangements. This is in addition to the expected organisational demands of a regular retail store, which requires enticing displays to draw in custom and promote certain items. This is all part of the charity shop’s charm since no day is ever the same. However, to support this, while also maintaining standards of shop safety, can be difficult. Shop managers may be inclined to create makeshift, often unsafe, displays to match the current stock on offer. Not only is this problematic but it is, with the right consideration, unnecessary.
A common issue charity shops face is space. While some stores have generous floor plans, accommodating for furniture, many are much smaller and struggle to comfortably showcase many larger items. While it is not possible to make the store bigger, by reevaluating your shelving, you can make better use of what you have.
Fittings, such as slatwall panels, are great for making use of vertical surfaces, allowing items to be displayed without taking up floor space. Also, consider a crossover space. Using a showcase counter to display high-value items as well as to conduct transactions removes the need for a separate cabinet and keeps them secure in the presence of a staff member.
By far the biggest challenge for a charity shop is change. Seldom are two donated items the same. This means that what was once an appropriate display for one item will not be for another. While much of the creativity to combat this is placed upon the volunteers, your fittings can help too.
Versatile shelving is fundamental and will allow your charity shop to maintain fantastic displays no matter what donations are received. Consider bay displays with perforated or slatwall design, allow for different accessories to be mounted depending on the item. In addition, choosing shop furniture that is easy to assemble and disassemble will be incredibly useful. If you suddenly find yourself with more or less space than expected, this will allow for an efficient and easy change of layout.
Different items do not only put pressure on the store’s aesthetic, but also the safety and durability of each fitting. For instance, mounting various items on slatwall panels will, over time, begin to affect the wood. In this case, fitting the panels with aluminium inserts, as opposed to PVC, will increase the robustness and allow for greater weight variations to be affixed.
For the comfort of your volunteers and the safety of your customers, it is paramount that your fittings are able to meet the demand placed upon them. If your shop has any concerns about the safety or structural integrity of your shop’s fittings or is considering a new purchase, it is recommended to call an expert. Reputable shop fitting services, such as, will offer expert advice along with their products.