A large number of residents above the age of 55 or after retirement are opting for equity release to continue enjoying financial stability. Buckinghamshire equity release looks forward to making it safe, reliable and easy in order to reach out a lot more people who wish to unlock the money out of this residence.
Among the types of equity release, lifetime mortgage is undoubtedly the most popular one with about 80 different types of plans to boost or satisfy various financial issues of the homeowners.
Yet it is vital to know the various steps involved in the process of equity release in order to get a clear idea of what to expect from your plan along with a smooth functioning throughout.
Learn About Various Steps Involved In the Equity Release Accessibility
- Eligibility Calculator: First of all, go for an equity release calculator to calculate your age or condition to release whether you are eligible for an equity release plan or not. Once the calculation is done, it will give you a clear idea of how much advantageous the plan will be for you.
- Seek Professional Advice: Once you are sure of your eligibility, the next step will be to opt for a professional advisor who can assist you rightly with this new genre. There shouldn’t be any holding back from investing a bit of capital into it.
- Make A Deal With The Company: Now that you have a cost image of your plan, proceed for an application which generally takes any time. The company will appoint a surveyor to look into the value of your property to make an estimation. The process takes 6-12 weeks to complete.
Once the scheme has been executed, you can conveniently continue to live on your property, and it will be your responsibility if you want to carry out any renovations to your house.