Switching to solar energy might sound unrealistic to most small business owners, but recent advancements in the industry have made it worth looking into. The cost of solar panels has steadily been dropping. This means that now is a great time to talk to a professional to see if utilizing solar energy for your small business would be worth it. Not only could a switch to solar be cost effective, but it could also improve your property value and shows consumers that your business is committed to sustainable energy. Here are a few reasons to look into solar energy for your small business.
Tax Incentives
Take advantage of tax incentives to install solar for your small business. Thanks to the federal Business Energy Investment Tax Credit, rebates are available for businesses that install solar. Receive 30% back on solar technology installed before December 31, 2019. This money back makes solar so much more affordable. This percentage decreases every year so it would be beneficial to see if solar is a good fit for your small business soon.
Impress Current and Future Clients with a Commitment to Sustainability.
Attract new clients and keep your regulars coming back by showcasing your switch to solar power. Many people will seek out businesses with eco-friendly business practices to work with. It is more important than ever to take care of our planet. People generally appreciate businesses that are going solar and will often switch over to them. This means that a move to solar should mean an increase in revenue.
Reduce Operating Costs
Although the initial installation will cost your business up front, the tax credits and energy savings will certainly make up for the expense over time. Depending on the system your company goes with, your electric bill should significantly decrease or be eliminated entirely. Some areas even provide a rebate to those who produce more electricity than they use. No matter the case, this extra money should help make extra room in your budget and provide more opportunities for your business.
Increase Your Property Value
Whether working from a home office or in a building your business owns, installing solar power will increase your property value. Properties with solar already installed are very high in demand. This means that if your business grows to a point that you need to sell and look for a larger property, you will make more money on the transaction. This will give you more money to use toward purchasing a property that will meet the demands of your growing business.
Now is the time to look into having solar installed at your small business. Reach out to a few local companies to see if solar would be a good fit for your property and to get a quote. Each property is unique and solar will work in some locations better than others. A professional will help you make the best decision. This is also a great way to meet others in the community and make connections. Who knows, maybe your solar installer will become a future customer.