Mysterious science behind an ice-cream maker

To an untrained eye, ice-cream making may seem like rocket science. Perhaps, only engineers understand the complexity of the mechanism. Either way, let’s simplify the topic that’s alien for most of us. The ice-cream maker is primarily designed to incessantly mix sweetened cream under freezing temperature. The blending and mixing aerates the ingredients, thus arresting the formation of ice-crystals and giving rise to ice-cream in soft, smooth texture. The basic component of any ice cream maker is the electric motor. This part has complete monopoly in the functions, performing a very important role of driving the canister in producing the mixture. Above and beyond this common factor, there are other parts like a mixing tub or a refrigerating source.

Regardless of whether you’re making it in your kitchen with a hand crank, with an ice-cream making machine, or in a factory that dispenses thousands of gallons of ice cream on a daily basis, the process remains pretty much the same. The only difference is the length and gravity of operations.

For starters, you will need an ice cream mix. The milk used is usually heavy-fat. In the synthesizing of ice cream production in a factory, one will require cream, sugar, and milk in a few thousand-gallon vat. The mixing and proportionareoverseen by computers. It also undergoes pasteurization, a process that involves intense heating for the purpose of killing bacteria. Pasteurizing at home can be easily achieved by boiling the milk in a pan. This step is extremely crucial in the process of making ice-cream, or it could pose serious health risks like salmonella contamination, a condition that young children and the elderly are most susceptible to, due to weak or underdeveloped immune system.

A horde of unique flavors like red velvet, toasted marshmallow, and cotton candy have rendered basic vanilla obsolete. Adding flavor is another important step in the procedure. Today, we have cinnamon, Swiss chocolate, cookie dough flavor, and musk melon, to name a few. These flavors can be organic, wherein the actual product is blended in, or concentrated food flavoring essence. I think it goes without saying that the former is far more appetizing. In factories, gigantic steel paddles do the mixing but if you’re doing it at home, muscle power does the trick. Alternatively, you can skip the acrobatics and invest in an ice-cream making machine from leading companies like Frigoman.

Bruce Reyes

Bruce Reyes