6 Examples Of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Of 2020

Manufacturing technology has changed significantly over the years. At present, human intervention has been reduced by software-driven industries.

Apart from minimizing the expenses, these technologies help to create precision, speed, flexibility, and efficiency for the manufacturing companies. Below we will take a look at some examples of advanced manufacturing technology of 2020, which have been made possible with the help of some companies like JD Edwards Enterprises.

1. Smart manufacturing

Given that machine learning and analytics are now available readily through Finance Guider, smart manufacturing can be used by manufacturers for enhancing efficiency. Smart manufacturing can be defined as making information as well as manufacturing procedures available as and when required, such that it is possible to make decisions regarding the course of any critical business operation.

It will not be possible for technology to grow a business on its own. It is imperative for the manufacturers to establish their objectives for business development and set margins for measuring that growth. This will help them to figure out the type of technology that will be required for achieving these objectives.

2. Cloud computing

This is the practice of making use of a network of remote services that are connected via the Internet along with different points for storing, managing, and processing information.

Cloud computing is used by many companies at present even though the manufacturing industry is taking time for warming up because of security and connectivity concerns.

Cloud computing software is being implemented by manufacturers in manufacturing industries which have been spread out in different geographical regions so as to share information effectively. Cloud computing helps the manufacturers to minimize their expenses and also enhance the production speed.

3. The Internet of Things

The IoT (Internet of Things) has turned into a ground-breaking manufacturing technology that enables electronic gadgets to communicate with each other without any human intervention.

In fact, an IoT device is going to connect to the Internet and will be able to generate and receive signals. Consequently, the usage of this technology will be having a significant impact on the present manufacturing industry.

Internet of Things allows the connected devices to “speak” to one another, and also send and receive important notifications. This application in manufacturing helps to minimize downtime, enhance quality, and also reduce the overall expenses.

4. Nanotechnology

Although it is the technology of the coming years, the first generation is already here. Nanotechnology is being used primarily in biotechnology and space technology at present.

It will play a significant role in almost every manufacturing industry within a few years. It has already transformed the world in many ways. Below we have mentioned several applications of nanotechnology at present.

  • Quicker computer processing
  • Garments which last for a longer duration and help to keep the user cool during summer
  • Bandages which will be able to heal wounds quicker
  • Smaller memory cards having more memory space

5. 3D Printing

3D printing technology has captured the imagination of the manufacturing community and the general public, to a great extent at present. This technology has progressed so much during the last few years that it is now feasible to produce virtually any component by making use of plastic, metal, mixed materials, as well as human tissue.

In fact, 3D printing has compelled the designers and engineers to think differently while thinking of product development. With that adoption and usage of this technology by an increasing number of manufacturers, there is no doubt about the fact that 3D printing is going to transform the face of manufacturing permanently.

6. Virtual reality

VR or virtual reality happens to be streamlining the process of product designing by getting rid of the requirement to produce complicated prototypes. Engineers and designers are making use of this technology for creating realistic models of the products, which enables them to see the designs digitally and also troubleshoot any potential problem prior to starting production.

It will also be possible for the clients to review and also interact with these simulations, digital designs, and integrated devices, thus minimizing the time required for designing and manufacturing the product.

For example, virtual reality is now used by automobile manufacturers to make sure that their vehicles are tested at an early stage of the vehicle production procedure, which will help to minimize the cost as well as the time involved in changing the tolerances, designs, as well as safety features.

Paul Petersen

Paul Petersen